Saturday, April 24, 2010

Spring and puppies

Beautiful scent of Korean Spice Virburnum

I have this beautiful bush planted under my dining room window next to our deck and one of my favorite things in the spring is to open the windows and enjoy the lovely scent  as it fills my house.
There is nothing prettier than this pink bleeding hearts bush in the spring.

The tree peony that I planted last summer is in full bloom.
what follows next is the story of a cherry tree
First, as it is bursting forth in bloom
Second, on a windy day as the blossoms blow away in the wind (see the petals as little dots in the photo?)
And third, as they blanket the ground below before the wind whisks them up into the air again

1 comment:

  1. Jan, your garden beckons me ~I imagine sitting with a cuppa amongst the cherry blossoms!:-)
